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I Need You
7 min video, mono sound, 1982 - 1986

I Need You, a video work by John Gillies, manipulates footage to abstract ends, and that effect is somber and still. It uses television footage of what may be large droplets falling on a screen and any reference to an identifiable tabula, as window and, equally, as inhibitor. The poetic resonances subside to instill a sinister sense that the ‘need’ of the title is not for a particular person, but for any person at all. Or maybe what is needed is the television screen itself.

Adam Geczy, ‘Video Magic at the Performance Space’ review, Art Monthly, no 174, October 2004. pp. 3-6


Pneumatic Video by Frances Dyson

Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

first installed: Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
soundtrack originally released on 'Genuine Tape Stories', Pedestrian Tapes


Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

Exhibitions & Screenings
John Gillies Video Work, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane 2006
John Gillies: Videowork 1982-2001, Performance Space, Sydney 2004
Satellite Cultures, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York  1990

Sound Basis Visual Art Festival, Wrocław 1990
E.P.E, Paris 1990
Australian International Video Festival, Sydney 1990
Ars Electronica, Linz 1989
Video: Documenting a Decade of Difference, Performance Space, Sydney 1987
French-Chilean Video Festival, Santiago 1986

Melbourne Internationa Film Festival, Melbourne 1986
John Gillies, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney 1986
John Gillies, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane 1983

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© John Gillies & the authors. All rights reserved.

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